It’s a word as leaders we often forget but one that is vitally important to the impact of our leadership.
It’s simply…Self-Leadership. When you intentionally take the initiative to understand that you too must keep growing, learning, and continually stepping into your full potential, so you can lead your team at a higher level.
At DREAM Workplace we understand a key component of self-leadership is cultivating a lifestyle of reflection which leads to high levels of emotional intelligence.
Many studies have found that leaders who have a high degree of emotional intelligence are overall more influential leaders. (Read more on this in an article in Fast Company).
We want to encourage and challenge you with a tool to help you evaluate where you’ve been so you can discern where you need to go.
In the end helping you become more self-aware (emotionally intelligent) of what’s going on within you so you can lead your teams more effectively.
Self-Leadership Areas to Reflect on:
On a scale from 1-10 rank each of area of your life and reflect on why you scored it as high or low as you did.
- Did your actions (in and out of work) align with your core values?
- Did you live with purpose and passion? Why or why not?
- Were there personal highlights/lowlights that were significant to your growth?
- Were you fully engaged with each family member during non-work hours?
- What key relationships gave you encouragement this past year?
- Did you notice themes in the way individuals responded to your leadership?
- Did you maintain a good work/rest balance?
- Were you making time for fun and life-giving activities?
- Did your exercise and eating habits effect your work/family life success?
- Were you stretched intellectually in your job/career?
- What new skills or competencies did you learn this year?
- What areas of growth did you notice you were able to step into?
Reflect and think ahead, discerning what goals or changes you want to make in light of your answers above.
Emotional intelligence and self-awareness isn’t just for ladies, counselors or psychologists but rather for leaders who want to greatly impact their environments and teams!